Sunday, August 5, 2007

Life is short

Dammit i'm sick today. Must be all the durians i ate last night zzz. Anyway, i'm down with a cold and it's really irritating. I kinda feel like my head is emitting heat and just tired.

I just read the newspapers too, and there was this article on "coping with sudden loss" or something to that extent. What it basically wrote about was that unexpected things can happen. Like how this 17 year old guy from Raffles JC suddenly just died after running in a Triathlon competition. Doctors say that he died of heart failure, though they had no clue as to why it happened so suddenly. Bottom line - anything can happen to you at anytime. Life is short.

This got me thinking about my own life too. I've had my fair share of running in competitions and i even recently participated in a 10km run. Thank God nothing happened to me there. But i guess anything could have happened.

So, if i were to die today, would there be anything i would regret having done, or not having done for that matter? I guess i still have many things that i want to do. Like how i want to get married, how i want to raise a family, how i want to get an interesting job for myself, how i wanna hang out with friends, how i want to be someone, how i want to be a blessing to others etc. the list goes on.

I guess everything lies in the hands of God. Whether i die today, tomorrow or whenever, it's up to him. I really want to make the most of this little time i have here on earth. I know i know, it all sounds kinda cliche, saying that we only have so much time to live, use it wisely etc. But isn't it true? I don't wanna live life knowing that i could have accomplished more, experienced more etc. God, help me to find out what it is you want me to do in this life. I wanna be of use to you.

Life is short. Make full use of it.

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