Saturday, August 4, 2007

Durian Liew Lian

Today was family day for our church. The main event was Captain's Ball, where we were divided into 4 teams - the adults, the ATBA cum BATS cum BAYA, BAY Team 1 and BAY Team 2. All in all we had a fun time. Our team (ATBA cum BATS cum BAYA) won overall. Kinda cheapo though, cause we had ALL the really zai people. Oh well, bottom line is we all had fun right?

Anyway, after the event, a few of us hung around after the catered dinner, trying to decide what else we could do. In the end, we came to the conclusion to have supper! haha, something which i do often. I've been going out for suppers so regularly that i kinda get sian of it, so we decided this time to eat something different. Guess what we decided on... DURIANS! hahahaha

So we met up at 11pm first of all for our appetizer, which consisted of dim sum and ba chor mee. We were already starting to get full. But like i said, appetizer. The main course was still up ahead. DURIANS!!! haha... we bought $80 worth of durians and mangosteens. Those present were Pei En, Me, Dan Loh, Tien En, Gavin, Nick, Serene Graham and Dominic. So the nine of us sat there, somewhere near the famous Punggol Nasi Lemak place, eating our Durians and Mangosteens.

I must say we got pretty full fast. And of course, the infamous number game had to be played. It was kinda humorous because in the end, only Tien En and Dan Loh ate. Dan Loh made a 1 in a 1000 probability guess in one try. Respect hahah.

I on the other hand, must have got pretty high because of the lateness. It was my first time after a long time eating Mangosteen too, and i must admit, it tastes pretty damn good (aside from the fact that you have to peel it yourself). All in all, it was a good day. I think durians make a great supper mean, though the price can get a little high. Oh well, eating durians once in a blue moon should be alright.

Now i gotta sleep and worry about tomorrow. Sore throat, please stay away.

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